Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Pumpkin Spice

Today was one of the best days i've had in a while. Today was my day off. I set my alarm so I could enjoy as much of the day as possible. I woke up pretty sleepy, but dressed quickly despite the fact that I haven't showered in at least two days. I started off my morning at Raven's Nest Coffee, taking at least three wrong turns on the way. It's crazy how bad I am at getting places. I've met the girl who was working once before, at church. I said hello and ordered something that she suggested. Something sweet, topped with whip cream. Slightly different from my normal coffee shop order which is usually black coffee, iced coffee or iced tea. I sat in a worn love seat in a corner. I spent about four and a half hours in the little shop reading, wasting time on my computer, talking to God, journaling, and letting myself dig into every part of my mind. Coffee shops always seem like the best place to think. The music playing was wonderful. Nice change from Starbucks music. An old cowboy sat near me so he could plug in his phone. He was trying to find some place that was going to help him with food stamps and I let him borrow my pen as he listened closely to directions. He said thank you and made small talk. I could barely hear what he was saying so I smiled and nodded. I decided I was probably weirding the workers out by being there so long, so I headed to my car. I decided to spend the rest of my day in Manitou.
  When I got there, I couldn't find a spot, so I pulled into a parking area that I had to pay at. I couldn't figure out how to pay, or if I really even had to, so I just gave up on paying and began walking. I walked by a group of homeless guys and one greeted me with a friendly "hey". I continued to walk, people watch, and stop in shops every once in a while. I love when you walk around a town you don't live in, strangers say hello like they know you.
  As I was walking, two younger guys, probably around my age, kind of stopped in front of me and took a picture of me with a nice camera. I figured they were probably taking a picture of something else, because they didn't say anything to me, so I continued walking. Later, as I was walking, I saw them in the distance about 40 feet away, taking pictures of me again. As I got closer they said, "We're taking your picture, ok, act natural." I just kinda stood there and then walked away. I probably should have asked what they were doing. I ended my trip in a little local market where I purchased some pumpkin spice tea, and soynut butter.
  On my drive home I listened to good music, while the rain fell softly.

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