Monday, February 28, 2011

The Homeless man

  So sometime near the end of 2010, maybe November, I drove up to Colorado Springs and met my Dad for lunch during his lunch break. It was a wonderful lunch at a very nice restaurant filled with business men. After lunch, I said goodbye to him and then headed to a starbucks on Tejon Street. It was chilly and starbucks had all its neat holiday flavors so I decided to try something new. While I was there, I decided to pick up my step Mom her favorite starbucks drink. Then I could stop and see her on my way out of town. I left Starbucks and was feeling like a great daughter for getting Patti her favorite drink. I was also excited to drink my coffee which I decided I wouldn't try until I was in my car. I was walking down the sidewalk and I noticed a lonely looking homeless man in his forties maybe. It's not unual to see homeless people in downtown Springs, but this guy stuck out to me for some reason. A thought suddenly came to my mind, "You should really say hi to that guy and offer him your coffee, you haven't even touched it yet." I thought about this for a second, but then fear and selfishness started to fill my mind. "What if he doesn't say hi back?" "What if he doesn't want my coffee?" "I'm too shy to talk to a stranger." "I really want this coffee!" So, I let fear and selfishness take control and I kept walking to my car.
 I still feel guilt for not listening to God in this situation. And it turns out I didn't even like my coffee. I've noticed in my lifetime that this situation has actually come up a lot. Not exactly the same way, but how God has very clearly told me to do something and I just let myself get in the way of Gods words and I choose to do what makes me the most comfortable. It's time for me to change this. I need to make myself uncomfortable sometimes. Maybe situations won't turn out exactly like I thought they would, maybe I'll be rejected, maybe I'll be embarressed or hurt, but who cares? If I listen to God then he will bless me so much more than I can even imagine. I'm done with my homeless man attitude.

"Tell them everything I command you; do not omit a word." Jeremiah 26:2

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