Sunday, February 6, 2011


  I haven't made an actual post in a while, so i'm going to try to make one now. I'm sick right now so this might come out completely horrible, but oh well. I feel the need to tell you about my trip.

  We headed to Quininde on Tuesday and stayed there until Friday. While we were there we helped with a program for kids in a neighborhood in the town. Right now the kids are on Summer vacation because it's the rainy season. While we were at "the project" We helped teach the kids some basic English, like greetings, numbers, colors, fruits, days of the week, ect. and we were also able to spend a lot of time just hanging out with the kids and playing with them which was awesome.
  It makes me sad that I didn't take the time to learn Spanish before coming here because I want to communicate with the kids so bad and I just can't. We can ask each other our names but that's about it. I took a year of Spanish in high school, but I just knew that I wouldn't be spending much time in a Spanish speaking country so I did very poorly in the class. I definately know that God has a sense of humor because of course, the first place he sends me is a Spanish speaking country.
  Anyways, while we were in Quininde we stayed at Dr. Jenny's house. She is a woman from our church, she helps out with the project and she was the one who drove us to Quininde. She lives on a beautiful palm tree plantation in a beautiful house. The only problem was the creatures that were inside the house. There were some openings in the house, which isn't a big deal when you live in the coast because it's always hot, but openings tend to let things in the house, like frogs, bats, lizards, and a number of bugs, and we got to experience all of these things. Thankfully, we all had bug nets to cover our beds and I think by the last night we had all calmed down a lot about all of the creatures in the house.
  One of the better parts of the trip, besides the amazing kids was the great food. We went out to eat a few times and it was delicious, filling, and super cheap! We ate lunch at one place a couple times and a coke, bowl of soup, plate of rice, fried plantains, meat and veggies, and a cup of fruit was $2.25! It's crazy. I think America needs to try this out lol
On the last day of the trip I ended up getting really sick. Thankfully it didn't hit too hard until the drive home so all I had to do what sit for a few hours. By the time we got back to the house in Quito, I could barely walk. My duffel bad felt like it weight 50lbs and I had to stop about three times on the way from the car to my bedroom. I had a horrible headache, I had the worst muscle pains I've ever had, I wasn't able to eat anything and anything I did eat went straight through me (sorry for the tmi). It was not fun. By the next day I was still feeling just as bad, maybe even worse, so the Shedd's took me to the hospital, just to make sure I didn't have Malaria. Thankfully I didn't, and I just have some kind of infection, which is fine with me. It gave me an excuse to be in a hospital and I got some sweet meds that made me feel almost completely better! Now I just kind of feel like I'm gonna throw up. But that's way better than the previous stated stuff.

Well I'm  headed back to Quininde tomorrow and I'll be there until friday. It'll be nice to be able to spend more time with the kids and get to know them a little better. Hopefully I won't get sick again! Then Sheryl will most likely be picking us up friday and us girls we head to the beach to stay in there new condo!
It's gonna be a great week!
Honestly though, every week here has been amazing. God is so so good.

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