Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Quininde Part 2

Sorry this took so long Kyla and Nichole!

 Well last week Doctor Jenny, Missy, Julianna, Anabel and I headed back to Quininde. We went to the project as soon as we got there. It was great seeing all the kids again and they were so happy to see us. We spent the rest of the week, eating with the kids, teaching them English, and playing with them. The time spent with them was one of the best times I've had in my life. They're all so loving and happy even though they come from either poor or abusive homes, or both. It really made me think about my life and how ungrateful I am some times. I've been so spoiled in life by an amazing family, friends, always having food to eat, never really having to worry about money, always having clean clothes to wear, etc, etc, but I still find things to complain about. That's something I'm really going to try to work on.
 Well besides having an amazing time with the kids, there were some hard times on the trip. We stayed in Doctor Jenny's beautiful house that was located on a beautiful palm tree plantation. The bad thing was, there were many creatures inside the house and we found a lot of them during our stay there. During my two weeks there, I found 4 frogs. All of them were in the bathroom and I surprised myself with how calm I was each time I found one. One night, Julianna found one on my bed. I really didn't sleep too well that night. We also had bats in the ceiling. We never say them, but we could hear them all night, which was kind of freaky. There were also lizards in the house. I was hoping that doctor Jenny would kill them, but she said that they eat other bugs so she leaves them. One of the things that scared me the most was using the bathroom in the middle of the night. I was always afraid that I was going to step on some bug or lizard with m barefeet or a frog would jump out of the toilet at me. Thankfully, that never happened. Doctor Jenny's house only has cold water. So that means, cold showers. It wasn't too bad considering it was incredibly hot there but the first minute in the shower was always the worst, especially since I feared some kind of bug jumping down from the top of the shower while I was in it.
 One day while we were there, on our way to the project, Anabel and Julianna were riding in the back of the truck. We were making a U turn and Anabel fell out of the truck. It looked like she had hit her head and then rolled. As soon as she fell, she stood right up and got in the car. She was a little out of it and couldn't remember what happened at first and I think we were all in shock. God protected her though, and she ended up being completely fine. It was definately a miracle.
 On our last night there, the power went out. This put me in a bad mood because I had been looking forward to a shower all day. Since we didn't want the food in the fridge to go bad, we had a candlelit dinner of yogurt, milk, cereal, and some kind of corn stuff that we had picked up in town. Since the power was out and we had nothing to do, we ended up going to bed extremely early. Since there was no power, that meant no ceiling fan, which meant an extremely hot night and a horrible night of sleep for me.

 The next day, the power was still out so we headed into town at around 6:45 to go get some breakfast. We went to a restaurant that we had gone to lunch at a few times. The food there was super cheap and each meal we had was about $2 for a huge amount of food. We then went to the office and did a quick bible study. I decided to take a shower there, but since the power was out, it was only a small trickle of water, but it felt so good after a hot day and night with no shower. Everyone else waited until we went to a friend of doctor Jenny's house. He had a generator so everyone else was able to have a normal shower. We hung out there for a few hours and napped, read, relaxed and had an amazing lunch. We then headed to the project for our last day with the kids. It was a wonderful day.
 Sheryl, Katelyn and Erin then met us at a gas station in Quininde so all of us girls could have a nice relaxing weekend at the beach. It was the perfect ending the week. We all had a great time swimming in the pool, swimming in the ocean, finally finding some good coffee, getting a little burnt, getting a little tan, eating good food and just relaxing.


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