Sunday, January 23, 2011


 So it's just about 3:30 p.m right now. It seems like lately, I've been doing the same thing around this time. I grab a cup of coffee, go to my room, move my three pillows against the wall so I can sit back against them, read blogs/check facebook, and think about a lot.
 Today my thoughts are focused on my high school diploma and what it represents. This topic is going to be related to unschooling. My posts will not always be about unschooling but when I become interested in something, I become a little obsessed. Like back in December when I went to a Listener show, all I could think about for the next week was how my friends and I just needed to jump into my 1974 Dodge van and travel the U.S doing spoken word. Of course, I still think that that's a cool idea, but it's not constantly on my mind. So bare with me until my obsession with unschooling ends.
 So, high school diplomas, they seem to be so important these days, like you achieved soo much because you now have a little slip of paper that you will most likely stick in some drawer or box and forget about it. What exactly did you achieve in high school that was so amazing anyways?
 For me, my high school diploma represents, never having enough time to work on my paintings, skipping classes every once in a while, being bored out of my mind, being stressed about math and science, my mind cannot comprehend the two subjects no matter what I do, sitting in class rooms not listening to what the teacher says because I'm too busy day dreaming, barely doing any homework and being lazy but still managing to make honor roll, which I never really cared about making anyways, being depressed because of lonliness, feeling shy and not really socializing (see, being in public school doesn't magically mean that you're going to socialize with people. That didn't come until after I graduated), reading through most of my classes, wishing I could spend more time at work instead of school so I wasn't so exhausted by the time I actually got to work, ect. ect.
 So, all I'm really trying to say is that my high school diploma really means nothing to me.

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