Friday, January 14, 2011


Imperfections. One of my favorite things about people. Take a look around you, at all the people. No one is exactly alike, even twins, like myself. God is such an amazing artist.
I believe one of the things that shows what an amazing artist is imperfections. I am quite the people watcher. I love just picking a place to sit, and observing the people that pass me. Or meeting new people, and studying their faces, finding the little details that God gave them. That scar from an accident when you were young, that birthmark that embarrasses you because of maybe it's size or location, that cluster of freckles, that cowlick that makes your hair not do what you would like it to, the way you walk, the way you talk, the way your eyes aren't the same size, your slanted smile. The list goes on and on but i'm not trying to point out things that are wrong with people. I love these things. I see such art in them. People are such beautiful, wonderful creations. It makes me feel so proud that such an amazing God would take the time to make me, sculpt me out of nothing, and give me my own special touch that makes me special, unique and beautiful.
I forget this a lot of times about myself. I can see the beauty in everyone, except myself. I forcus on a wordly view of people too often and try to become something I'm not. I get nervous about what I'm wearing, I get nervous about my weight, I get nervous about my make up, about everything. It's really stupid. God took the time to make me, why am I criticizing his work?

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