Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's getting late and everyone in the house is heading to bed. Usually at this time I'm pretty tired as well because my days are usually quite busy. Not tonight though. I'm wide awake. Looks like I'll spend lots of time thinking tonight. The problem with all the thoughts that constantly run through my mind is that's where they usually stay. I do have this blog, but I don't share near as much as what's actually going on inside my mind. I have such a problem with putting thoughts into words. I have an even bigger problem with actually telling people these thoughts in person. I'm really not all that shy, I just have horrible social anxiety. Usually the things I try to say just come out awkward, wrong, annoying, and confusing. It's so annoying. It's so annoying for things to be so clear in my mind but so jumbled on the outside.
I see myself as a creative person. The creative people I know are usually very good at writing. I guess God did give me the gift of expressing myself through art, painting to be exact but I don't think I ever say what I'm feeling through my art either.
Right now I have a million things running through my mind. As always though, this is all I can think of to actually write down.

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