Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11, 2011

This blog is going to be all about my time in Ecuador. If you care to read about my first two weeks here you can go to http://sarainecuador.tumblr.com/

We left on Friday morning and headed to Tonsupa. It was a very long five hour drive, but road trips in Ecuador are just so much better than any I've been on in the states. It's so beautiful here. I even find the run down shacks with laundry drying in the front yard beautiful.
We stayed in an apartment that the Shedd's used to own right on the beach. It was so nice to go to the beach again. The mountains of Colorado are nice but I will always be a beach girl. We spent the first night just hanging out at the beach, hanging out in the pools and hot tubs, and just relaxing.
I'm just going ot summarize the trip because I don't think anyone really wants to read all the details of the trip. I had my first real Ecuadorian food and it was amazing, I tried shrimp that wasn't breaded for the first time in my life, I bought some cool stuff right on the beach, us girls got hit on by creepy guys from Columbia in the hot tub, we ate delicious ice cream, i collected some sweet shells, had relaxing walks on the beach, and over all just had a great time.
We were in two seperate cars and on the way home one of the cars got two flat tires. It was dark out and nothing really seemed to be going right. We sat in the dark in the middle of no where next to a little tienda for about two hours. We finally got one of the tires fixed by a mechanic we found and headed back to Quito. Our five hour drive turned into an eight hour drive but I still enjoyed it. There hasn't been one thing in Ecuador that I haven't enjoyed (:
Well I need to get off the computer and actually do something with my day!

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