Saturday, January 15, 2011

-I write with my right hand and do pretty much everything else with my left
-My ankles pop everytime I walk
-I'm 46 minutes younger than Kyla
-I enjoy not wearing make up because I can rub my eyes whenever I want
-I like my coffee black
-I like waiting until my coffee gets almost luke warm so I can drink it really fast
-I love being barefoot but I don't like when my feet are dirty inside of a house
-I don't like realistic or super abstract paintings
-I wish I had the ability to write
-I usually have goosebumps because I don't like dressing for the weather
-I love not having a large amount of money and I hope that I never become rich
-Right now I have no plans on going to college, therefore I doubt I will ever make a large amount of money
-I love being near water or walking in it, but I don't really enjoy swimming
-I love bike riding, as long as it's not on a small mountain trail
-I love friendly people, but who doesn't?
-I'd love to be able to work with kids more, especially special needs kids
-I'm supposed to wear my glasses all the time but I don't
-I hate when things on the wall are crooked or off centered
-I love buying things for people
-As much as I hate to admit it, I once considered drawing on my eyebrows
-I love hiking
-I hate running
-I love rafting
-I hate sports
-I played soccer for 6 years but was always bad at it
-It's hard for people to believe that I was a cheerleader
-I love cleaning up after people
-I love when furniture and decorations don't match
-I love chandeliers and fireplaces
-I love hugging people but I hate being the one to go for the hug
-I hate wimpy handshakes
-I love the smell of clean clothes and new cars
-I love holding babies
-I want to learn how to sculpt
-I love reading books
-I can't think of the last good book I read
-I love having meaningful conversations
-I want to go backpacking through somewhere, but I'm not sure where yet
-I've always wanted to go to Greece and Ireland
-When I was four I blamed my sister Nichole for me not looking Hawaiian, since I was born in Hawaii
-I get nervous and scared extremely easy
-I like old things over new
-I have a 1974 Dodge Van that I love, but doesn't work


  1. I am SO WITH YOU on the not wearing makeup thing and the dirty feet in the house thing. Yes and YES.

  2. I hate forgetting that I have makeup on and then rubbing my eyes.... yeah. Or I hate crying with makeup on.

  3. I do that all the time! And it's usually right before I have to go somewhere.
