Sunday, January 23, 2011


Is it that I can only seem to devote 5 minutes of my time to prayer before I completely lose focus
*Why is it that even after I think I've opened my heart completely to God I still feel a little empty in the end
*Why is it that I can feel when I'm going through a rough patch in my faith but I can't seem to do anything about it
*Why is it that sometimes every word in my bible seems to touch me, but sometimes it feels like my eyes are *just skimming the words as fast as I can just so I can say I read it
*Why is it that right now I feel a burning or a stirring in my heart but I can't figure out why
*Why is it that I can't be completely happy with the place I'm at, even when you've showed me so clearly that my work here is not yet done


  1. I know you're not Catholic, but you remember Mother Theresa, who spent her days with the unwanted on the streets of calcutta? She admitted that there were times when she felt she had lost her faith, that God was no longer speaking to her, she had dark times and I think most people would agree that Mother Theresa is the epitome of what we should all strive for in modern times. It happens, we all struggle.
    Also, the last time I went to bible study we had a really great lesson on prayer, and when I find the paper I got from it (lost in my purse somewhere) I'll send you an outline of how to pray. It's helpful if you're struggling and it gives good advice on how to clear your mind of your thoughts so you can hear when God is speaking to you.

  2. I've taken comfort in many rough faith patches in knowing that God always draws you back to Him. We are prodigal children, but God is a faithful God <3
