Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11 cont.

I've actually been trying to wake up early lately and stay awake. My mom never uses an alarm clock and I never understood how she did that. She told me she prayed that God would wake her up on time. I've been trying that and it's actually worked.
I woke up at 7am. I actually slept all night, which was nice since i've been waking up every hour for about the last week. I spent the first few hours of the morning just straightening up my room, moving my bed next to the wall hoping that will help me sleep, and wasting time on facebook. The Shedd's have a maid, just like most families in Ecuador. She made a delicious lunch today. It was some kind of potato soup. It feels strange for me to have someone clean up a mess that isn't their's. I then showered and sat around for a few more hours waiting to go to the orphanage.
We left around 4:30 and stayed until 6:00. I got to work in the toddler house today and I really enjoyed it. All I did was push a boy around in a wheelchair the whole time, but it brought him joy, and the tia's have their hands full with all the kids so i'm happy doing anything that will make their life a little easier for that day. There was a family there today that's in the process of adopting a little boy. It's nice to see the process actually happening and knowing that that boy will soon have a family of his own.
Helping in the orphanage here in Quito and the one in Shell has really opened my heart even more to special needs children. Ever since my mom started working with special needs kids years ago, they've had a special place in my heart. It seems like those are the kids that people aren't really interested in adopting, they usually want the healthy kids that will be easier to handle. I understand completely though, it would be hard taking in a child with special needs. I do feel like maybe I could be one of the few that adopt a special needs child. I'm still very young though so who knows what God's plan for me, concerning that, would be.
After we left the orphanage we came home and waited for pizza to arrive. I spoke with Riley for a few minutes and then joined the family upstairs to eat pizza and watch inception, and that's where I am now.
I feel like I need to start making my blog more personal, more like a diary. I need somewhere to let everything out. I won't do that here but I'll try to get a little more personal.
Lonliness has crept in every once in a while since I've been here. I haven't been here very long though and I think that's why. I still need to get used to my surroundings I guess even though I feel very comfortable with the Shedd family.
Well, that's all I have to say for now


  1. You burp in front of us so of course you feel comfortable with my family. hahaha. Just kidding. Girls don't burp. Or fart. Or poop. haha.

  2. Hahaha yeah girls are perfect and not gross at all! What are you talking about?? lol
