Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dog Crap

So far my time in Ecuador has been one big, amazing vacation, and today was no exception. We started out the day around 10:00am and headed to a cable car thing that took us to a place where we could see all of Quito. Most of the family knew that I was going to be a little scared because i'm slightly afraid of heights, depending on the situation. I tried to not show that I was scared but inside my heart was racing. My emotions have a mind of their own a lot of the time though and I become a lot more nervous about situation than I should be. The ride up ended up being incredibly slow and not scary at all. I quickly realized that my fears were very irrational. We all got to the top and walked around a little bit and took in the amazing view. There hasn't been a part of Quito that I haven't liked. It is just so beautiful here.

(This is where I had to stand before getting on the cable car)
After we were done with that, we went out to eat and then headed home. Once at home, I went straight to my room and fell asleep for the next 45 minutes or so. In the last few months, I've felt bad about taking naps, but I was exhausted. I'm guessing it has something to do with the lack of coffee I've had since arriving in Ecuador. I feel bad asking for coffee since only two people, including me, drink coffee in the house. After I woke up I threw on some shoes I haven't worn before and headed outside so we could head to the orphanage. Of course because I was wearing new shoes I just had to step in dog poop. Thankfully it was dry and just crumbled beneath my shoe.
We headed to the orphanage but stopped at the Shedd's old house first to see what the new owners had done with it.
I really enjoyed being at the orphanage today. I was in the infant house. I spent most of the time with an infant named Michael. He's kind of a chubby baby and he's constantly moving. Most of the time I help in the infant house I just hold him the whole time. Today I got to take him outside and take a walk with him while he was in a carrier. It feels so good just to spend time with all those kids. I'm not sure how much of an impact it actually makes on the kids or how much it actually helps the tias, but there's nothing else I would rather be doing with my life right now.
After the orphanage, all 12 of us piled into a car that was definately not made for 12 people. Thank goodness the police here don't really care about stuff like that. We then headed to the mall and Rachel and Jason treated us to a great dinner at Crepes and Waffles. It's crazy how different the service at restaurants is here and in the states. I'm not saying this as someone who thinks they're better than waitresses, I was a waitress and worked in the food industry for about two and a half years. Here everything comes out at different times and the waitresses don't seem to care if anythings wrong, they just blame it on you.

Well that's all for my day. I get kind of bored with describing all the details of my day, so i'll probably post something later on a different topic.

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